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 Subject :Re:Outside access to MESH via the internet.. 2016-03-09- 02:26:48 
Joined: 2014-01-27- 20:44:36
Posts: 33
Forum : General
Topic : Outside access to MESH via the internet

Can u give me details on how to bridge these? Thanks - Vance, kc8rgo
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 Subject :Ubiquiti Setup Documentation.. 2016-03-08- 07:34:58 
Joined: 2016-03-06- 22:27:12
Posts: 6
Forum : Problems & Answers
Topic : Ubiquiti Setup Documentation

Trying to find a link that seems to be missing from the documentation page.

Reading the shopping guide ( ), in the section for Ubiquiti hardware there is a link to read about specific info related to Ubiquiti stuff, but the link returns a 404 :

Tried looking around a bit, but don't see any likely candidates, I'm probably just missing something.

Ideas anyone?


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 Subject :Re:Provisioning - Server Or Web Interface.. 2016-03-08- 05:15:45 
Joined: 2016-03-06- 22:27:12
Posts: 6
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Provisioning - Server Or Web Interface

Did more research last night, and I figured that it'd be much better to use the server to provision the phones, so off I go to start writing config files.

They're a bit different than the 7940 shown in the videos, but not too much more complicated, and somewhat easier in some respects.

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 Subject :HSMM-MESH Presentation March 14, 2016 Saskatoon.. 2016-03-08- 02:33:47 
Joined: 2016-01-25- 16:10:13
Posts: 4
Forum : Saskatchewan
Topic : HSMM-MESH Presentation March 14, 2016 Saskatoon

The Saskatoon Amateur Radio Club will have a presentation and demonstration of Broadband-Hamnet at their upcoming meeting on March 14, 2016, @ 7:00 PM at McClure United Church
4025 Taylor Street E (Corner of McKercher & Taylor).  Details are on the SARC website  

Everyone is welcome!

Hope to see you there.

73 de VA5LD


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Last Edited On: 2016-03-08- 02:42:06 By VA5LD for the Reason
 Subject :HSMM-MESH Presentation March 14, 2016 Saskatoon.. 2016-03-08- 02:33:18 
Joined: 2016-01-25- 16:10:13
Posts: 4
Forum : Saskatchewan
Topic : HSMM-MESH Presentation March 14, 2016 Saskatoon

The Saskatoon Amateur Radio Club will have a presentation and demonstration of Broadband-Hamnet at their upcoming meeting on March 14, 2016, @ 7:00 PM at McClure United Church
4025 Taylor Street E (Corner of McKercher & Taylor).  Details are on the SARC website  

Everyone is welcome!

Hope to see you there.

73 de VA5LD


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Last Edited On: 2016-03-08- 02:40:31 By VA5LD for the Reason
 Subject :Provisioning - Server Or Web Interface.. 2016-03-07- 04:16:25 
Joined: 2016-03-06- 22:27:12
Posts: 6
Forum : VoIP
Topic : Provisioning - Server Or Web Interface

Howdy all, working on expanding my knowledge on setting up nodes and phones.

I've got several nodes (WRT-54x) we used at Field Day last year, and working on adding phones for this year; also good experience for setting up a permanent mesh in the area in the future.

I have the system set up with a raspbx and several Polycom Soundpoint IP 331 phones working, but wanted to know which way was better for setting up provisioning.

I've used the web interface for the phones to set the server, extension, etc., but I have noticed that the other systems I've seen here (KF5JIM videos) shows using files on the PBX.

Do the Cisco 7940's not have a web interface like the phones I have?

Would it be better to use the server files for this even though the web interface setup works fine?

If one has internet access, the phones can (and have) "phoned home" to Polycom to get the latest firmware, so I don't know that this is a big deal for using server files, but perhaps for future use in a permanent mesh setup, it would be better.

Certainly open to any thoughts or suggestions anyone might have.


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 Subject :Re:Status here in Hawaii.. 2016-03-05- 13:28:28 
Joined: 2012-04-08- 14:25:44
Posts: 4
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Forum : Hawaii
Topic : Status here in Hawaii

Hi everyone, My network has been off the Texas hub for awhile. I am running a GS with tunnel server configured to accept client connections. Please email me if you have a tnnel client set up into your bbhn and we'll get you hooked up. 73 kh6tz (here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean)
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 Subject :Re:Password recovery on Ubiquiti Bullet M2HP.. 2016-03-05- 06:48:27 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 10:56:59
Posts: 19
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Password recovery on Ubiquiti Bullet M2HP

Nevermind as I was missing a step in my hurried state of mind...

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 Subject :Re:Password recovery on Ubiquiti Bullet M2HP.. 2016-03-05- 05:29:39 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 10:56:59
Posts: 19
Forum : UBNT Firmware
Topic : Password recovery on Ubiquiti Bullet M2HP

I have a Ubiqiti Bullet M2 and have followed the instructions here to reset the password and cannot get it to reset.

Held the reset button for 5 seconds which by the instructions should reset the password to "hsmm" but it doesn't.

I really need to get into this BUllet to use it at my work duties.

Any suggestions?

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 Subject :Re:Adding an HTML page directly on the node.. 2016-03-02- 22:04:22 
Joined: 2012-04-30- 14:56:55
Posts: 79
Location: JO65mo
Forum : General
Topic : Adding an HTML page directly on the node

Yes, it is possible. I´ve stup a new page just for AMPRnet status on some of our nodes. You´ll need to be familiar with Perl to do this.

The files are located in /www/cgi-bin

First edit the to add a reference to your new page, like this (ampr is what I added):

my @pages = qw(status setup ports ampr admin);

my %titles = (status => "Node Status",
setup => "Basic Setup",
ports => "Port Forwarding, 
DHCP, and Services",
ampr => "AMPRnet",
admin => "Administration");

Then you must add a new file in the same folder named (in my case ampr) corresponding to what you added in

Look at the securityflags of the other perlfiles and chmod your own the same way.

Then you´ll have to edit your new file and start with the following section:

$debug = 0;
use perlfunc;

Happy editing !!!

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Last Edited On: 2016-03-02- 22:07:59 By SM7I for the Reason
IT infrastructure and security professional
 Subject :Re:Outside access to MESH via the internet.. 2016-03-01- 21:37:18 
Joined: 2014-07-07- 20:09:47
Posts: 11
Forum : General
Topic : Outside access to MESH via the internet

I recently had an Internet outage but could receive a community access wifi signal. I was able to log into that wifi signal from my laptop, then connect a network cable from the hard wired network jack on my laptop to the WAN port on one of my nodes. I then bridged the two together and then the Internet access that was available via wifi was fed out of the hard wired network interface and to my mesh. I didn't have a great wifi signal and things were slow but it worked. I also tried it by using my cell phone as a wifi hotspot and connected via wifi with my laptop and did the same thing. Again, iti worked but not overly fast.
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 Subject :Re:How do I load the BBHN 3.1 software on a Raspberry Pi?.. 2016-03-01- 12:58:50 
Joined: 2011-07-03- 09:49:25
Posts: 3
Location: Ann Arbor Michigsn USA
Forum : Hardware
Topic : How do I load the BBHN 3.1 software on a Raspberry Pi?

I've been away from here for a few years and am just now having a look and jumpimng back onboard.. I will look around some more and also ask this quick question.. Where is the best documentation or guide that details the implementation of the routing protocol as it is done in BBHN and that details the IP mac schemes & all that. I would like to in some cases bring other devices on as mesh nodes and routers and first understand what all and how is being done. Is this all detailed in one place or several places close together? Also the system itself has change a bit since 3+ or 4 years ago when I was using it. I have some catching up to do. Thanks! Steve
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I have no weak points.. it's all smushy.
 Subject :Belkin Router.. 2016-02-24- 04:22:38 
Joined: 2016-02-11- 12:09:24
Posts: 3
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Belkin Router

Can a Belkin F5D9230-4 ver3000uk be used for bbhn?


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 Subject :Belkin Router.. 2016-02-24- 04:22:16 
Joined: 2016-02-11- 12:09:24
Posts: 3
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Belkin Router

Can a Belkin F5D9230-4 ver3000uk be used for bbhn?


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 Subject :Belkin Router.. 2016-02-24- 04:21:51 
Joined: 2016-02-11- 12:09:24
Posts: 3
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Belkin Router

Can a Belkin F5D9230-4 ver3000uk be used for bbhn?


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 Subject :Re:San Diego Mesh Working Group.. 2016-02-24- 00:50:43 
Joined: 2016-02-21- 21:16:18
Posts: 1
Location: Imperial Beach
Forum : L.A./SoCal
Topic : San Diego Mesh Working Group

Hello all,

My name is Gary KK6YKC and I have recently setup a mesh node (WRT54G) in Imperial Beach I was wondering if there is a map of the mesh network that way I can point my antenna to the closest node and connect up. Also what SSID and Channel and is there anything else I need to connect. Many thanks




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 Subject :Re:WRT54GS router problem.. 2016-02-23- 09:09:37 
Joined: 2014-09-08- 18:33:03
Posts: 4
Forum : Firmware
Topic : WRT54GS router problem

Use port 2222 if it is still functioning.
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 Subject :Re:Not enough space for VTun.. 2016-02-23- 09:01:48 
Joined: 2014-09-08- 18:33:03
Posts: 4
Forum : Firmware
Topic : Not enough space for VTun

Only on the WRT54GS ver 1,2 or 3 and WRT54G TM {T-Mobile)
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 Subject :DIY - Portable Mesh Node with VOIP and Wifi.. 2016-02-23- 08:51:48 
Joined: 2015-12-04- 19:49:31
Posts: 3
Forum : Hardware
Topic : DIY - Portable Mesh Node with VOIP and Wifi

I have put together a HOWTO on my blog for building a portable mesh node with VOIP and wifi. We use this setup at church buildings to get on the mesh where we can't install any equipment long term. It uses VOIP so anyone who knows how to use a phone can use it. Great little kit and not too difficult to build.

Here is a picture of a finished node:

Mesh Node

Setup with tripod and radio:

Mesh Node

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 Subject :Sorry.... duplicate post.. 2016-02-22- 11:07:54 
Joined: 2014-07-07- 20:09:47
Posts: 11
Forum : General
Topic : Sorry.... duplicate post

Sorry.... duplicate post


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Last Edited On: 2016-02-22- 11:09:59 By KA1PXZ for the Reason
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