Very new to MESH. Just got the above router. Was following N7RXE youtube video and your instruction PDF when setting up the node. Everything was going great. Uploaded the firmware. Installed the firmware. Got into the Node Setup section. Changed the name of the node to W8RID-One and entered the passwords. Hit Save Changes. Here is where thing went south. I never got what I thought was a confirming screen that the changes were made. A Screen came up with a bunch of stuff on it and these were the things I wrote down: http://localnode.local.mesh:8080 or http://W8RID-One.local.mesh:8080 At this point I was not sure what to do so I selected the http://localnode.local.mesh:8080 Could not access the address errors. Tried the other one with same results. Even typed in the IP address per the video: Same errors. I can see the node on my laptop. The SSID="Broadbandhamnet-1" I did not change this in the setup area. Last resort I reset the router/node. Tried all the above again with the same results. What have I done wrong and can it be fixed?? If it can how do I do that?? I have been doing this all via Ethernet cable.
Thanks Bob W8RID 