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 Subject :D-Rats reflector on Ras Pi.. 2014-03-21- 03:03:23 
Joined: 2013-11-25- 10:55:46
Posts: 15

I am trying to get a headless Ratflector going on a RasPi for a meshnet for out local ARES-RACES group. I can get D-Rats loaded, but it must run from a desktop, and user name and password is required to get the RasPi to that stage. I know that Asterisk runs with out desktop or passwords, abut I know that is a whole different story. Can anyone give me a push in the right direction? Thanks. Sorry to take up the time on the board.

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 Subject :Re:D-Rats reflector on Ras Pi.. 2014-03-21- 05:54:03 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516

So a key point here is that Asterisk is a daemon and is intended to be run from the background. This was designed into the program rather than forcing a desktop.

The following Google cache entry has a patch that claims to modify the ratflector  to daemonize but I haven't tested it and it may no longer work due to age (2011)

The other option is to setup your pi to auto log in, and set  the drats program to launch from a desktop startup script.  Exact methods to do this vary by pi distribution to pi distribution and desktop environment to desktop environment so I would refer you to that group to get more specific details

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