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 Subject :Routing and DNS across the WAN port.. 2014-02-18- 16:40:44 
Joined: 2012-07-30- 08:05:31
Posts: 35
Location: Stormy Acres

I understand the ramifications of having the WAN connected to the internet but this has gone beyond that and is simply wanting to understand what is happening or more to the truth what is not happening.

I setup my home router so I can access my BBHN gateway node from the comfort of my lounge chair and play with it, adding packages or whatever.  Essentially experimenting and learning about the system better.

I can access the gateway node only by using  This gives me the status page.  Bring up the mesh status page and clicking on another node Firefox errors out stating it cannot find the node by name.  This I understand this because it can't resolve the name.  Now if I try to go there using it simply times out.  Is this because doesn't know how to get back to the system running Firefox?  I would think the gateway would handle that.

I guess the next question is does DNS cross the gateway?  I'm assuming not because of the actions I have seen. Is there a way to enable it?

I'm suspecting that this may be the design of the BBHN mesh.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Beam me up!

'Captain' Kirk - N6SXR

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 Subject :Routing and DNS across the WAN port.. 2014-02-18- 17:14:37 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX

Did you log into the router and check "mesh gateway" on the setup page?

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

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 Subject :Routing and DNS across the WAN port.. 2014-02-18- 17:18:39 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX

Also, the gateway is "one way" only.   Stuff on the LAN or mesh can get to the WAN side, but access to the LAN or mesh from the WAN side is very limited.

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I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

Check out the free Wireless Networking Book
 Subject :Re:Routing and DNS across the WAN port.. 2014-05-01- 14:38:52 
Joined: 2014-04-28- 06:56:17
Posts: 4
Location: Lake Jackson, Texas

This (below) is something several of us are struggling with. I've read numerous posts from different people trying to solve this same problem. I've been reading everything on this that I can find and I have yet to find anything that explains sufficiently how to get to devices on the mesh from outside. Several of us on here are trying to do simple things like access cameras on the mesh from computers outside. Several of us keep trying everything we can to get this to work but we seem to be lacking some key piece of information. Who knows the answer?

[wx5u 2014-02-18- 17:18:39]:

Also, the gateway is "one way" only.   Stuff on the LAN or mesh can get to the WAN side, but access to the LAN or mesh from the WAN side is very limited.

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Ron Parker, KE5RON
 Subject :Re:Re:Routing and DNS across the WAN port.. 2014-05-01- 15:13:52 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516

What is meant by 'one way' is that you can't access the full mesh from the WAN port and never will be able to (network isolation). 

If you have some Linux skills you can actually do a 'port forward' manually. in the firewall configs (exact settings depend on if its a Ubiquiti or Linksys build)  (A DNAT+SNAT is suggested due to multiple gateways) to forward to an IP address on the MESH that isn't connected directly to the local node.

This is actually the 2nd time this subject has come across my desk this week. Might be something we consider as a feature request for the GUI in a future release if the need is seen.

[KE5RON 2014-05-01- 14:38:52]:

This (below) is something several of us are struggling with. I've read numerous posts from different people trying to solve this same problem. I've been reading everything on this that I can find and I have yet to find anything that explains sufficiently how to get to devices on the mesh from outside. Several of us on here are trying to do simple things like access cameras on the mesh from computers outside. Several of us keep trying everything we can to get this to work but we seem to be lacking some key piece of information. Who knows the answer?

[wx5u 2014-02-18- 17:18:39]:

Also, the gateway is "one way" only.   Stuff on the LAN or mesh can get to the WAN side, but access to the LAN or mesh from the WAN side is very limited.

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Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :Re:Routing and DNS across the WAN port.. 2014-05-01- 15:48:27 
Joined: 2010-01-18- 23:04:04
Posts: 266
Location: 5' from this webserver

I personally have done just that (have a Mesh cam be able to be seen from the internet), but I did porting tricks with the webserver (this same one we are typing into right now) to make it happen.

Its the live cam view at the bottom of the Tower Cam Over Mesh page under Applications menu (and yes, the live view is broke at the moment, but I am looking to fix that right now).

It is NOT a simple task to get initially setup. Definitely something I wouldnt want to do over the phone, email, or forums. Maybe a VNC remote in to a PC on the mesh on the other side, but nothing short of that.

Conrad, that would be cool if there was something in the GUI to turn that on. I may look at that for the Linksys side (I am getting ready for Maker Faire Saturday though...)

Happy Meshing!


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B-) Jim K5KTF EM10bm Cedar Park, TX :star:
 Subject :Re:Routing and DNS across the WAN port.. 2014-05-02- 11:29:04 
Joined: 2014-04-28- 06:56:17
Posts: 4
Location: Lake Jackson, Texas
I really think that having this capability would be important to our use of the mesh. My current application is wanting to send video from bike ride rest stops back to net control. I can try to set up a mesh that covers the whole course and back to net control but there are situations where it would make better sense to access the cameras over an internet connection tied to the mesh. For example, I could see having a cellular hotspot somewhere that connects the mesh to the internet to cover gaps. I'm new to the mesh concepts so maybe I'm missing something. Being 10 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and having experienced hurricanes, my goals are to be able to do mesh for emcomm needs here in Brazoria County. This is fun stuff. You guys and gals have done some cool work!
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Ron Parker, KE5RON
 Subject :Re:Routing and DNS across the WAN port.. 2014-05-02- 14:46:01 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516

I've created BBHN->ticket:42 to track this feature request.

*This message written on Emergency Power -- Sudden transformer explosions in your front yard --- just another reason to have a Mesh node and a backup power source.*

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Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
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