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 Subject :Broadband-Hamnet vs. openwrt+Olsrd.. 2013-11-18- 11:47:42 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 09:26:59
Posts: 5


I'm still new to HSMM-MESH so please excuse my (perhaps) stupid question:

What is the exact functional difference between broadband-hamnet (using a WRT-56G and one of the official software) and -say- setting up a router with openwrt, olsrd + the "olsrd_nameservice" pluging?

I know that the BH-image also provides a webinterface but as I have a background in CLI-based linux system administratie, I don't need that.

So, does broadband-hamnet add something else I haven't seen yet? (special kernel-builds, special olsrd versions?)


kristoff - ON1ARF

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 Subject :Re:Broadband-Hamnet vs. openwrt+Olsrd.. 2013-11-22- 22:53:26 
Joined: 2013-01-02- 00:30:45
Posts: 188
Location: Austin, TX

BBHN  beacons your ham call at least every 10 minutes to meet FCC requirements for station ID.  You need this if you use an amplifier or gain antenna.

I think there are some other usability functions like advertising what services you provide, finding services on other nodes, etc, but I'm not familiar with the details and whether that's part of OLSR or unique to BBHN.

I don't know if there are "deeper" technical functions done by BBHN.  There are a lot of little pieces and configuration things stuffed into BBHN. 

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Last Edited On: 2013-11-22- 22:55:04 By wx5u for the Reason
I'm not part of the development team, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm also easily confused.

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 Subject :Re:Broadband-Hamnet vs. openwrt+Olsrd.. 2013-11-23- 08:40:18 
Joined: 2013-11-10- 09:26:59
Posts: 5
Hi, Thanks for your answer. I guess, to put your callsign in the air every 10 minutes, you can just use the olsrd_nameservice plugin to do that or put the callsign in the mac-address of the device. Concering announcing the services, I have not really found out how that is done. I created a test-service on a pi using hsmm-pi but when looking at the OLSR messages send by the node (using wireshark), I did not see anything that reallything addition being broadcasts. Anycase, this seams to correspond with what I tought before. It looks like there isn't that much difference in using BH or just native openwrt + olsr + plugins. Thanks for your answer. 73 kristoff - ON1ARF
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