(HEY DAVE... Here I go down that rabbit hole :-) )
I have my 1 node normally on my LAN (its offline at this very moment), behind my regular D-Link router. The trick is, you have to change the LAN on the node FROM the to a static IP of your LAN (mine being in the 192.168.0.X subnet).
Then, DISABLE the WAN on the node, and then a GATEWAY box will appear under the LAN settings. If your LAN uses 10.0.0.X, you are in for some hurt and headaches. I actually changed my entire LAN over to 192.168.0.X to make this work.
THEN, for machines on your LAN that you want to talk to the node, you have to add it to the routing tables (be it *nix or Windoze).
Against Dave AD5OO's better judgement (he prefers I dont confuse anyone with this stuff) , I am working on a thorough document how to set this up to work.
There will be some things that still wont happen (like having that node be a gateway for the rest of the mesh, as ONLY that 1st node will be able to talk out through the other router to get to the internet, like to get firmware updates, etc).
Unless you have a major Cisco router and can program it better than the home type routers (which I dont).
As for the Webinar video, we are currently working on getting it edited and posted to the site here. Check back in a while. Ill make sure to update the NEWS banner on the main page when its up and running.
Jim K5KTF |