My assumption and perspective is a ubiquiti mesh device:
1) The node auto-magically determine these settings and you can view/tweak in the setup.:
1a) LAN (eth0 vlan '0') -- is DHCP server and a default 5 device IP subnet
1b) DTDlink (eth0.2 vlan '2') -- no DHCP, preset IP (based on MAC), and appropriate subnet determined
1c) WAN (eth0.1 vlan '1') -- expects to obtain IP and other settings from your home network DHCP
2) It is unnecessary for 1a & 1b to consume an IP address and assign to the switch.
3) Think of the linksys as a standalone switch by itself. It already has vlan settings (just internal). I'm seeing only 2 benefits to directly connect the linksys (a switch) together with your cisco switch:
3a) DTDlink between linksys and ubnt nodes over the cisco switch. See release notes to turn linksys DTDLink on and background (working around a bug in linksys switch with no path to resolve). cisco port should be configured only to pass vlan '2'. Should ignore all other traffic to avoid other complications.
3b) Add more LAN ports to linksys (need more than 3 or 4?) But not efficient use of a 'smart' switch. Only need a dumb switch to do this.