Well if you want to give the following a shot:
use vi on the node to edit /etc/config.mesh/dhcp (vi /etc/config.mesh/dhcp) scroll down a few lines and make the file look as follows (use the i key to get into insert mode to type text) (your basically adding the two list dhcp_option lines)
config dhcp option interface lan option start <dhcp_start> option limit <dhcp_limit> option leasetime 1h option ignore <lan_dhcp> list dhcp_option '121,,<lan_ip>,,<lan_ip>' list dhcp_option '249,,<lan_ip>,,<lan_ip>'
config dhcp option interface wan option ignore 1
config dhcp option interface wifi option ignore 1
use escape key then type wq and hit enter. After that go to the web interface, setup, save changes, reboot node.
While that is happening go to your control panel, network connections For the wired and the wireless card go to properties> Internet Protocol TCP/IP (IPV4) > Properties > Advanced > Uncheck Automatic Metric Set the Wireless card to say 20, and the wired card metric to say 40. Save the changes, and reboot the computer Hint: you just told the computer that you prefer to use wireless whenever possible so now the wireless will be preferred over the wired port. However the change we made on the node for the DHCP file tells your computer "Hey I'm the best way to get to the mesh" If you mess up the router you can just press and hold the reset button (assuming it is version 3.0.0 or newer) for 15 seconds and the node will reset and reboot to just flashed status.