OK, Working with V3 NS5 connected to a netgear 108tv2 swtich. Goal - create a series of vlans to match Clint's description (see ubnt firmware). (1) boot ns5 connected to port 2 of switch (2) port 3 connected to linux desktop (3) port 8 connected to windows 7 netbook (4) port one not connected - targeted for connection to home network to provide internet Both computers can access the node and the switch but no connection to the internet
(1) access switch on the assigned ip (2) using switching/vlan tab (3) define vlan 10 (named N504) (4) change membership of vlan one = port 1 = U / port 2 = T / port 6 = T (all others blank) (5) set membership to vlan 10 = port 2 = U / port 3 = u / port 4 = u ( all others blank) (6) set VLID for vlan 10 for g2/g3/g4 (7) leave all other VLID set to 1 (8) connect cable from local network to port one At this point the laptop connected to port 3 can access the node and the internet, but not the switch. The netbook on port 8 can connect to the switch but to nothing else (node or internet). what do I do to access the node/internet via the netbook connected to port 8? I would like to put a NS2 back to back on this switch, as well, but when I tried the configuration I lost the switch from any computer.
Another question is can you create a vlan to connect a BBHN node to a UBNT Airmax back haul?