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 Subject :Can I share com port hube between nodes?.. 2014-04-25- 16:29:19 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 14:46:03
Posts: 6

I have been at this for hours and have tried countless configurations. Still no joy. My device is a Comtrol Ethernet Device Server.   This thing works great on a regular network, but i just cant seem to get into it from a remote node. Is there a way for 2 mesh nodes to act as 1 local network. Am I missing something. this would open up a chance at some real fun remote control options but I'm losing my mind here? Has anyone used one of these devices across a mesh before? I'll try anything here so give me an idea and I'll tell you the results.


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 Subject :Re:Can I share com port hube between nodes?.. 2014-04-25- 20:03:05 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516

I see no reason it should not work.

the easiest way is to make sure your node is in DIRECT mode (default since 1.0.0)

After that it's a question of how the device is obtaining it's IP address.

If by DHCP it should obtain it's address from your mesh node when plugged in directly to it just like a computer would.

if you have statically assigned the IP address than you would need to change it to match your mesh node range.

After that is setup from any other mesh mode you should be able to reach it's on it's 10.x address from another node or locally from the node.

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Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :Re:Can I share com port hube between nodes?.. 2014-04-26- 03:46:49 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 14:46:03
Posts: 6
Still no joy... device has assigned from DHCP at NR1X-2. Laptop I'm trying to access it from is assigned from NR1X-1. PC connected to NR1X-2 ( has no problem seeing the device. I'm not to clear on how it all works, but it seems that I would need to have 10.152.12.?? assigned from both nodes? or am I missing something? I will read over the device documentation again and again until I get it to work... I know it can be done.
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 Subject :Re:Can I share com port hube between nodes?.. 2014-04-26- 05:06:27 
Joined: 2013-04-29- 14:46:03
Posts: 6
GOT IT!!!! All in the device drivers... Read the manual over and over and over till it sinks into that thick head. Seems that because it was running on this computer in mac mode i had to uninstall the driver software and reinstall then during configuration set up IP mode... So it wasnt a problem of the device working over different network branches, it was the driver configuration to make it cross branches... I may just get my head around this networking stuff after all. TNX KG6JEI for your input and also to those who viewed my post... Now I can use TNC's and any other serial devices across a BBHN-MESH... now were getting somewhere. NR1X
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