What kind of bandwidth can be expected with a standard configuration?
The units are capable of 54Mb/s. In optimum conditions, I dont see why not. Example: my neighbor and I sent files back and forth through Live Oaks and Cedars: 6.39MB PDF in 56 Seconds. Not great, but again, through a couple hundred feet of dense vegetation, and didnt take 4 days at 1200baud......
What kind of traffic is prohibited?
TECHNICALLY, we are just sending 1's and 0's (an MP3 streamed over mesh TECHNICALLY should be OK, as its not analog music from the radio).... But you are not allowed to obscure the meaning, so httpS/SSH/etc well, use your own best judgement, as its YOUR license.
Any estimated costs for cabling, power and antenna equipment to operate one node?
Node: $15-$50. Antennas: Free(DIY)->$Hundreds Cabling: Some ants come with pigtails, but other than that, prefer high quality coax with low loss at microwave freqs, keep short as possible. Power: 12v @ ~ 1a, Enclosures: Nice NEMA Al die cast: $30
Can a node act as a bridge between the mesh network and the Internet?
Yes. Connect WAN to internet source (another wifi router, modems, etc), in the WAN setup section click the GATEWAY box, and voila, it lets the whole mesh talk to the internet. If more than one node is set as a gateway, OLSR figures out best path.
Finally, the website suggestion: the account creation page and the forum login page are both served over HTTP, meaning that anyone between me and your website server can intercept my traffic and see my password. I understand that it's just a forum login, nothing high-value here, but it's still not best practice and SSL certificates can be bought and implemented pretty cheaply. It's not a deal-breaker at all, just something to think about for future website upgrades. :)
Understood. Right now the site is being hosted for free (subsidized by my other paying clients), and havent gotten around to getting a cert for it yet. Since we are not handling credit cards and very minimal personal info, I didnt see it as a high priority yet.
Thank you for any replies and info, I know I'm asking some specific networking questions and I may be wording them wrong. HSMM-MESH has sparked some ideas and possibilities in my mind and I'm trying to get more info about its capabilities.