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 Subject :Refreshing network status/services.. 2015-02-21- 08:24:21 
Joined: 2025-02-18- 03:56:37
Posts: 0

We're doing some testing with over a dozen nodes across three mesh islands connected via tunnel. So far so good, things work great.

However there is one thing I've noticed. When services are updated or deleted, the other nodes on the network don't notice this change until after a reboot.  New services are noticed quickly, but existing services changing or being removed doesn't get updated on the other nodes until they are rebooted.

Is there a way to force a node to refresh it's understanding of the network without reboot?


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 Subject :Re:Refreshing network status/services.. 2015-02-22- 10:28:29 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516

Reboot is probably the best/easiest way.

I ran across this issue documented when working two other tickets (this one has been created as BBHN->ticket:78 ) as its overall a flaw in that older services do not get deleted from the backend files which causes issues like this.

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