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 Subject :Network backbone.. point-to-point... 2014-10-02- 03:58:06 
Joined: 2013-05-03- 14:46:10
Posts: 9


I sorry guys to ask this I’m facing a challenging situation here.

We have a small data center where we have servers that host chat services, video and photo sharing platform and various files formats. Kind of intranet network…

We want to build a mesh network in a community which is 15 miles away from our data center.


The solution will be a point-to-point link from our data center or backbone to the small town so mesh users can connect to our network from there…


We need a network approach that can allow us to aggregate multiple wireless connections into a single point to point link and  effectively combining the bandwidth into a single connection.


In fact what we are trying to do is to create multi-gigabit or multi-megabit pipes (in a point to point scenario) to transport traffic back and forth from our data center to the rural area where mesh users can use local resources from our servers.


For example, we want to aggregate three airGrid M2HP of 150Mb data speed (150 mb each) into a 450-megabits trunk link.


I don’t think using one single airgGrid to support bandwidth demand of 2800 mesh users in a point to point design will work….

We need redundant links, fault tolerance or load balancing network.


Can you advise me on what to do to achieve such a setup?

Please feel free to share some literature or a link that can help me educate myself in achieving the above setup…




Data center

Airgrid1-------100Mb---|                                                                         |---Airgrid--|

Airgrid2--------100Mb---|----------------300Mb--------------------------- |---Airgrid--|----Switch--

Airgrid3-------  100Mb---|                                                                        |---Airgrid--|

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 Subject :Re:Network backbone.. point-to-point... 2014-10-02- 13:53:56 
Joined: 2012-03-05- 10:47:45
Posts: 181
Location: San Diego, CA
We don't spend a lot of time supporting commercial implementations on this site.. I'd suggest Googling "bandwidth aggregation". Andre, K6AH
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