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 Subject :Need larger than 13-Host LAN.. 2014-09-25- 03:55:48 
Joined: 2013-07-22- 09:08:31
Posts: 6

I'm very familiar with Linux and networking...  but I thought I'd ask here in case anybody had the steps needed to add a larger LAN segment to the hamnet firmware.

Current the largest setting in the menu system is a /28 network called 13-Host... and we need a setup that is able to run at least a /26 network...  We're hosting a number of servers and work stations that users on other mesh nodes need to access directly...  NAT/Port forwarding is NOT an option because some of the protocols we're be using.

Does anybody have a list of files that need to be edited, or a quick howto?  I'm sure given enough time I can dig around and make it work, but I'm hoping to save hours of guess work ;)

And yes, I understanding using such a large subnet will increase the chances of a conflict, but it's for a small production mesh setup and we'll be able to handle any conflicts that might come up.

Thanks for the help.

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Last Edited On: 2014-09-25- 04:31:38 By KG4DCI for the Reason
 Subject :Re:Need larger than 13-Host LAN.. 2014-09-25- 12:34:10 
Joined: 2013-11-05- 00:09:51
Posts: 116

1) Edit in /etc/config/network (find lan config section to change netmask accordingly).

2) Edit in /etc/config/olsrd (find "config Hna4" section to propagate subnet to other nodes.)

3) Edit in /etc/config/dhcp (to increase the number of IP addresses that can be allocated.)

then reboot.

THIS IS A quick-n-dirty HACK and from memory. You will have to redo these edits if you ever go into "setup" and "save"--will get overwritten. The proper solution is to edit the perl code behind the setup web page and template files in /etc/config.mesh. This might be relatively easy to do, I've just avoided diving in there to date :) .

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Last Edited On: 2014-09-25- 12:34:42 By AE6XE for the Reason formatting.
 Subject :Re:Need larger than 13-Host LAN.. 2014-09-26- 01:58:15 
Joined: 2013-07-22- 09:08:31
Posts: 6
Thanks, I might take a crack at updating the perl code for this along with the vlan issue when I get some time.
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