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 Subject :Need recommendation for inexpensive IP camera.. 2014-09-25- 03:41:18 
Joined: 2014-09-14- 15:35:23
Posts: 6
Location: Brentwood, TN

I've spent several frustrating days trying to get a Foscam FI8910W IP camera working with my MESH network.  I finally enlisted the help of a Hamnet Elmer who is a professional networking consultant; he spent several hours on the project.  We have both concluded that there seems to be some sort of compatibality problem between this camera and the Hamnet firmware.

The problem is that the camera appears to be unable to pull an IP address using DHCP or possibly it gets an IP, but it doesn't do whatever's necessary to make itself visible to the MESH node.  When plugged into my standard LAN, the camera quickly gets an IP via DHCP, and it shows up in the IPCamera list of available cameras.  When connected to the MESH node, it does not show up in the DHCP assignment list or the MESH status.  We've tries many things including updating to the latest Foscam firmware, doing a factory reset, trying to use a static IP address, etc., all without success.

Can someone please recommend an inexpensive IP camera similar to the Foscam that is known to work well with the current release of the Hamnet firmware?  We would like to have remote pan/tilt capability and other features comparable to Foscam while keeping the price point around $65 which is what a Foscam costs on Amazon.  We don't need outdoor weather protection.

Thanks, Phil, W4PHS

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 Subject :Re:Need recommendation for inexpensive IP camera.. 2014-09-25- 05:52:53 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516

If you have not already try version 3.0.0 beta as the 1.1.x release has a known issue with some hardware.  If it works you know it should be fine in the next release and it's related to a known bug.

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 Subject :Re:Need recommendation for inexpensive IP camera.. 2014-09-25- 06:04:17 
Joined: 2014-09-14- 15:35:23
Posts: 6
Location: Brentwood, TN

Where can I download version 3.x beta?  The only versions I see in the Experimental Builds list are version 2.x.

Phil, W4PHS

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 Subject :Re:Need recommendation for inexpensive IP camera.. 2014-09-25- 06:20:59 
Joined: 2013-12-02- 19:52:05
Posts: 516

Hmm weird it says (for Linksys Builds)

Latest Beta version is: 3.0.0-6993a94c2beaed060ed4b700e7876f43846a8a08

When I look...  I don't think we ever had a 2.0.0 beta, but try a browser cache clear just to be sure.


Oh I see the 2.4 listed in the name, that's an architecture version (hold over from the fact we are based on Openwrt) not a release version.  It is currently a 3.0.0 firmware version

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Last Edited On: 2014-09-25- 06:25:32 By KG6JEI for the Reason
Note: Most posts submitted from iPhone
 Subject :Re:Need recommendation for inexpensive IP camera.. 2014-09-25- 07:20:51 
Joined: 2013-07-22- 09:08:31
Posts: 6
FYI the current beta 3.0.0 fixes the foscam problem :)
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 Subject :Re:Need recommendation for inexpensive IP camera.. 2014-09-25- 13:08:59 
Joined: 2014-09-14- 15:35:23
Posts: 6
Location: Brentwood, TN
"FYI the current beta 3.0.0 fixes the foscam problem :)" Great. Now if I can just figure out where to download beta 3.0.0, I'll flash it. There is only one trx file on the experimental versions page for updating existing Linksys MESH nodes, and after I installed it, I still have version 1.1.2. I tried using the bin file for non-MESH nodes, but it wasn't accepted as a valid update. Phil, W4PHS
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